But the older I get the less heat bothers me and the humidity is not as oppressive as it used to be on me. The cold on the other hand - gets worse on me each year. The gloom however? No way. From birth till now that has ALWAYS bothered me. I'll take 20 degrees and sunny over 50 degrees and gloomy any day. I. Need. The. Sun. We get all 4 seasons here - which I would miss for sure and our winters have gotten milder in my life with very few "weather event" days in the winter anymore - so I'm ok with my balance. Spring time here is unfingbelievable. Everything is G R E E N and the weather is spot on. Falls are great too - especially if you like to hunt or hike. Everywhere has it's pro's and cons - but I look for as little gloom as I can and then worry about everything else.